We think our juice is Great! Just like wine, where the cherries are grown actually does make a difference. It’s all about the Terroir. See if you agree. 100% pure with no additives, sugar, water or preservatives. Beneficial for Gout, Arthritic Pain / Inflammation and Insomnia. Remember that if it doesn’t say CC Orchards on the box, it’s not from us. Don’t be fooled by substitutes.
Eight Reasons to Drink to your Health
Compare Sweet to Sour Cherry Juice
Balance the Health Benefits with Cherry Juice Cocktails
Our Okanagan Cherry Juice is available on-Farm, Penticton Farmer’s Market and in Calgary. For information on how to get our juice shipped to you, please email or call us.
Benefits of refreshing & delicious cherry juice: Aids with Sleeping, Arthritis, gout, post-workout recoveries, inflammation, swelling, immunity, metabolism & blocks cancer growth. Balance the benefits with a cocktail.
Check out our pricing on our Products Page